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The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / Drugs
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:26:50 AM »

Don't use intoxicating drugs, but learn from Gaura Devi's (Gaura Devi is a devotee who served Shri Babaji for 12 years at Haidakhan) devotion and purity. Why do you travel here so far from your home yet lose yourself in drugs? It is strictly forbidden to use drugs and you must leave if you do so, because there is no progress; you remain the same. You must learn not to use drugs, so you can teach others not to use them.
Jan. 5, 1983

To maintain peace and order in the ashram*, everyone must see to it that no unwanted loafers come here. Nobody should use intoxicating drugs. Each of you should check such loafers and drug users and send them away from the ashram.
June 25, 1982

* Traditionally, an ashram is a spiritual hermitage or a monastery. Today the term ashram often denotes a place of Hindu cultural activity such as yoga, music study or religious instruction.
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / Peace Within One's Self
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:18:52 AM »
Peace Within One's Self

By working hard, a man can achieve peace within himself and in the world around him. If everyone works diligently and with love, there will be peace throughout the world.
June 29, 1982
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / Real Strength
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:17:04 AM »
Real Strength

Those who are strong like iron are fit to flourish. To become strong does not mean to become harsh and heartless. To become strong means to grow beyond pleasure and pain; beyond heat and cold.
June 29, 1982
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / True Progress
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:16:15 AM »
True Progress

You all think devotion is fun. Some day you will have to jump without fear of life or death; then you will be able to make progress. When the time comes, you will have to walk through fire and water.
April 6, 1982

As long as we are not able to rebel against the bad qualities in our hearts and minds, we shall not be able to attain our goals in life.
April 4, 1982

Each one of you must vow today to sacrifice everything to obtain oneness with yourself. Be rid of attachment in your heart and be ready for the sake of righteousness to jump into the flames and water of life. Be prepared to burn your very bones, if necessary to secure the public good and righteousness.
Dec. 26, 1982
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / The Power Of Mantra
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:15:09 AM »
The Power Of Mantra

This effort was made for the benefit of the world. The holy words in the Sikh scriptures are great mantras. By correctly performing the worship and recitation of these mantras, a being achieves righteousness, riches, pleasures, salvation and fulfillment of all other desires during his life. The soul begins to swim in the waves of bliss and the mire of the world disappears from the eyes.
April 4, 1982
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:14:02 AM »
Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham

From this place - Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham - the whole world is blessed. Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham (Babaji's ashram which He often called the most sacred place on earth) is not the property of one person, it is the property of all mankind. Progress made at Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham benefits the universe. You are fortunate to be in Haidakhan, because even the gods long to be here.
June 21, 1982

Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham is the most sacred place on earth and the residence of Shri Haidakhan Babaji. All who come here are members of a universal family who must demonstrate to the world their good character and attentiveness.
Oct. 30, 1982

When a person comes to Haidakhan, his mind grows steady and peaceful.
April 4, 1982
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / Whatever Work Is Needed
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:02:31 AM »
Whatever Work Is Needed

You should not hesitate to do the lowest kind of service, if it is needed. If a man of high position is prepared to perform any service - even the lowest service - he sets an example for others.
June 29, 1982

When the time comes, you must be prepared to do any kind of work that comes to you.
Jan. 9, 1983

Everyone who comes here should be prepared to do any kind of work. In this Age, work purifies you and is the best spiritual practice (sadhana).
April 5, 1982
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / Talk Less
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 09:01:24 AM »
Talk Less

Learn to talk less and work more. This is the field of spiritual practice. Karma* is the highest way of perfection. It is a great thing to take a human body. Whoever comes to the earth must do work.
April 6, 1982

* In reference to Karma Yoga which is the Yoga of Action. It is the path chosen primarily by those of an outgoing nature. It purifies the heart by teaching you to act selflessly, without thought of gain or reward. By detaching yourself from the fruits of your actions and offering them up to God, you learn to sublimate the ego.
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / One Half Of My Work Is Done
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 08:57:46 AM »
One Half Of My Work Is Done

There are certain elements that are destroying creation, but they will be destroyed. One half of the work is almost over. (After His appearance, He has finished one half of His work - Shastriji)
March 25, 1982

Over one half of my work is done. You may wonder how I do everything while sitting in Haidakhan. From here I am able to change the hearts of the people throughout the world.
April 6, 1982
The Teachings Categorized According To Subject / Change Of Heart
« Last post by BuddahBoy on May 09, 2015, 08:56:27 AM »
Change Of Heart

He is the Lord of the Universe. He enters into people's hearts and changes their thoughts.
March 25, 1982

You may wonder how I do everything while sitting in Haidakhan. From here I am able to change the hearts of the people throughout the world.
April 6, 1982

He transforms by changing the hearts of people through a simple method - repetition of God's Name.
April 4, 1982

The higher self in people must be developed and enthrallment with the lower nature destroyed. It will be destroyed in countries all around the world by changing the hearts of mankind.
June 29, 1982
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