August 3, 2000 From Z - I Have One Wish
Dear Babaji,
Forgive me for being less than perfect in devotion to you. Please clear my mind as to what is important in life. I have this one wish, I'm almost too scared to ask: My wife has several diseases, the result of which is we can have no children. Please, help us. I saw your reply to someone wanting to heal his sister. Can I apply that answer to my situation? What exactly do you mean by becoming a "beacon of light"? I have been trying to heal my wife by reiki for a long time. She gets better each time, but the main problems persist.
Om Namah Shivaya
Babaji Responds:
"The message for you is that your SERVICE is to provide LOVE to a little human who right now is alone in this world . Adopt. You have powerful healing abilities and know this, you will help your wife to regain her health, but there are some things that cannot be changed because that is how GOD gets his message to you. Understand?