August 2, 2000 - Please Share With The Group
Dear Marge, please share this with group.
Previously I shared a reply Babaji sent me about dealing with my "broken body". There is more to the story that I didn't share - so here it is:
At the end of Shri Mahaprabhujis reply He said to stare at the light of the full moon whenever I could and He was always with me. What made this so personal was that since childhood I have always stared at the light of the full moon whenever I could. There's more. The full moon directly before this message, I had been on my front porch doing japa aloud. For some reason I was starting to choke on the name of God and I had the thought that if I went to where the moon light was shining on the ferns (i live in the woods of Northern CA) that my voice would clear up.
Feeling a little silly, I headed for the moonlight. Immediately as I stood my throat felt better and when I got to the patch of moonlight and stood in its glow - the japa flowed and my throat was fine! There's more. First I thought it was my breath I was seeing but it was not that chilly out. Then I had the thought that Babaji was forming a body of moonlight before my very eyes. Of course I got so excited that my energy blew it all away and I ran in to tell my daughter. It was a beautiful experience that words are completely unable to describe. So when His message said to stare into the light of the full moon "I am always with you" it went right to my heart and confirmed for me once again He is always with us.
When I first heard no more emails I felt empty and sad. Well i simply had to cut the maudlin crap and remember that He who dwells in all our Hearts is truly always with us, and to remember that the path to our Heart is the High Road of Truth Simplicity Love and Service and to find the way home we have to live it. Work hard and praise God with every breath.