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Author Topic: Jai Mahamaya Ki!  (Read 10847 times)


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Jai Mahamaya Ki!
« on: May 10, 2015, 06:53:45 AM »
Jai Mahamaya Ki!

We must always have good thoughts for each other. When you meet, say "Jai Mahamaya Ki!" Mahamaya is the great energy of the universe.
Nov.16, 1982

Jai Mahamaya Ki! Always Jai Mahamaya Ki! (which means Honor or Glory to the Great Primordial Creative Energy) must be your slogan, your greeting to each other.
Jan. 22, 1983

"Pinda Kacha, Sabda Sacha - The body is perishable, the word is eternal" - Babaji

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