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Author Topic: 3 April 1980  (Read 10918 times)


  • Jai Vishwa!
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3 April 1980
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:12:40 PM »
3 APRIL 1980
Babaji spoke generally of unity.

"We are all equal, despite the country we come from, and national differences should be ignored. We are all a unity. We must shed all jealousy and envy because they are harmful. We are all one with each other and with God.

"In order not to provoke Me, you must be quiet at the time of catastrophe. You must concentrate on Om Namah Shivaya. With this mantra you can win everything, because it is stronger than all the bombs."

Babaji mentioned the freedom spoken of and promised by politicians. Then He said, in effect: "Theirs is no freedom at all. If you work and are worthy. I shall show you freedom greater than you have ever dreamed about."


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