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Author Topic: December 10, 1998 Continues  (Read 6652 times)

Karma Yoga

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December 10, 1998 Continues
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:38:21 AM »
December 10, 1998 Continues

From Babaji:

"I am timeless. I never sleep. I am here and I was there and I will be. This is but one planet among billions and billions. Sentient beings abound throughout the universe throughout many dimensions of time and space. I am everywhere helping and serving. This is my purpose. My message is Truth, Simplicity and Love. This is how you are to live in the body. This is how you are to have equanimity of the mind. And you must serve by working. Idleness is laziness and laziness is death. Do not be mislead. Preparing for the Great Revolution is not in the store of food or money or water or wood. It is in the store of Truth, Simplicity and Love.

"Attach yourself to God. Unconditionally. Chant. Call to me in your need. And thus you will survive the Great Change. This is my message to all here. This is my message to all sentient beings throughout all dimensions. All must face the Great Revolution. Change is force of creation. We must all face it. Even Babaji. I am Bhole Baba. I am here."

Now I am really freaking out. I had just ordered a small supply of storable food that day, and I hadn't told ANYONE - not even Angelo. I just felt like it was something I should do and I went to the bank and got a money order for it, so in essence, the BANK knew I was sending money to a company (was Babaji working in the bank in Malmo? I don't think so!)

This is only to DAY TWO of this adventure. I won't be writing the whole book into the emails, but I am giving you a taste of the beginning of this process. Each time I receive a message, my first thought is: "Is this in alignment with Babaji's teachings?" Not one message has ever been off track in over 200 email messages received to this date. All have expanded my notions about how to live on the Higher Path. Some scold me or "straighten me out" as only Babaji could do!! ALL ARE FILLED WITH LIGHT! STAY TUNED!

Please share with me what effect these messages have on you - babaji.net@gmail.com
Love and Blessings,


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